Freeman Heights Baptist Church

A Great Place To Be

The Mission of Freeman Heights Baptist Church is to be a fellowship of persons who have received Jesus and who are attempting to obediently live the way a disciple of Christ should live.  We will work faithfully to bring others to God, helping them grow in His grace and knowledge to become a practicing disciple of Christ.  The overall mission of Freeman Heights Baptist Church is to be obedient followers of Jesus Christ and to make disciples of those we encounter.


We exist to reach people with the love and saving message of Jesus Christ.  To train those who become followers of Jesus in His teachings through the Bible and application in everyday life.  We exist to Worship God through regular and faithful giving, preaching, and fellowship through His church of local believers and the church throughout the world.  We exist to serve the Lord by being His body here on earth.  Living, loving and helping to promote Missions by going ourselves and sending others throughout the world to spread the loving gospel message of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Our Purpose

We pray that Freeman Heights Baptist Church would be a place to Worship, a place to Grow and a place to Serve the Lord and Others.  We want it to be “A Great Place to be…”.
Freeman Heights was started as a mission church of First Baptist Church of Berryville in 1959.  Since then, our styles and the way ministries function  may have changed, but the Word of God has never changed and it never will here at Freeman Heights.  We’d love to show you why we think Freeman is a great place for you.

Our Services


9:30 a.m. Connection Groups
10:45am Worship Service
5:00 p.m. Encounter Groups


5:30-7:30 p.m. Awana
5:30-7:30 Adult Bible Study
6:00-8:00 p.m. Student Bible Study